Hela historien om Baby P

Jag har uppdaterat en del i inlägget igår. Här kommer hela historien enligt den 15-åriga flickan som bodde i samma hus, som umgicks med familjen dagligen. Berättelsen är kopierad från en annan sida, på engelska. Det är extremt upprörande läsning. Extremt. Den här tjejen må vara 15 men jag hoppas hon kommer brinna långsamt i helvetet, hon hade kunnat göra något, det finns INGA ursäkter.

The terrified teenager said: "What went on was sadistic.
Social Services have blood on their hands."

Still racked with guilt that she felt too terrified to act at the time,
and she did not help him she is just as gulity as the rest
she could of save his life and did nothing bitch

the teenager told how the stepdad:

SLICED off the tot's fingertips with a Stanley knife and wrenched off his
little nails with pliers.

SMACKED his private parts with a shoe.

PRESSED down on his windpipe so hard he turned blue.

BIT the tot all over to ‘train' the family's vicious dogs to attack.

DROPPED him 6ft onto the floor.

GRABBED him by the throat and tossed him into his cot,

RAMMED a bottle into his mouth so hard it cut his lips.

Of all the vile cruelty the girl witnessed, the most horrifying scene was the one that
crippled Baby P, leaving him paralysed from the waist down.

His warped step- father, a 32-year-old Satanist-convicted of allowing the child
to die along with the mum and a paedophile lodger-was watching the Jeremy Kyle TV
show with Baby P stretched across his knees.

The witness said: "He sat smirking on the sofa, smoking cannabis and playing
with Baby P like he was a rag doll. Then I suddenly heard a loud crack that echoed
through the house as the baby's little backbone snapped in half.

"He let out a gut- wrenching scream. It was so loud I got up and went into
the garden and put my hands over my ears to block it out."

The 15-year-old then revealed what finally sealed Baby P's grim fate in August,
2007-a night of constant crying that disturbed the awful household. She said: "He was
wailing and wailing in his cot. He just wouldn't stop. But he'd been lying in his urine
and faeces for days.

"Then the stepdad came down and said, ‘I'll sort it.' He went into the room, slammed
the door shut and suddenly the crying stopped."

The defenceless tot had been punched so hard in the face he swallowed a bottom tooth.
It was later found in his stomach. The witness added: "I discovered Baby P dead in the
cot at around 9am. He'd gone a funny colour, a pale blue, and was stiff. I told his mum he
wasn't breathing but she waited until 11.30am before dialling 999 for an ambulance.

"Meanwhile the stepdad got away, taking off all the stale, blood-spattered smelly
bedclothes that hadn't been washed in months and dumping them in a cemetery to try and
hide the evidence."

Fearing she would be a target too, it took eight months for the 15-year-old to summon
the courage and reveal her shattering story to stunned relatives. She told them: "It was
disgusting and perverted what went on in that house. It went way beyond cruel, it was

"The stepdad would shake Baby P, punch him, swing him around by his legs and spin him
round on the computer chair until he came flying off and hit his head on the floor.
Then he'd pick him up and do it again. He put his thumb down over the poor mite's
windpipe until he turned blue and stopped breathing.

"Then he just laughed, let go and pushed it in again even harder to see how much he could

"He'd pinch the baby's little fingernails and squeeze them until he screamed.

"And he lanced off the tops of the tot's fingers with a Stanley knife like you would
a boil. He said it made it easier for him to then use the pliers to grip onto the
fingernails and rip them off. It makes me shudder.


"He made Baby P kneel in front of him, with blood oozing from the ends of his fingers,
and hold out his hands for more punishment.

"Not content with that, he'd hold him above his head and then just drop him on the floor."

The boy's head and body was covered in marks and sores from when the stepdad bit him-to
train his Staffordshire bull terrier and Rottweiler to do the same.

The teenager said: "The stepdad laid Baby P on his back in the middle of the room and
bit at him and growled in front of the dogs. He bit into his head, his arms, his body
and his legs. Then he'd get the dogs to copy.

"He also hit the baby on his genitals with a shoe and wrapped him tightly in blankets,
leaving him for hours in his cot to dehydrate.

"Every night before bedtime, instead of a story like most children get to help them to
sleep, he was picked up off the floor like a rag doll and tossed into his cot.

"At night I'd hear him crying and head butting the wooden bars on his cot. It went on
for hours."

Just days before Baby P died-but after his spine was snapped-the girl went for a walk
with him and his stepfather in Chingford Woods. The toddler couldn't stand and kept
falling down.

She told Baby P's stepdad she thought his back was broken and never saw him walk unaided
again. On the last full day of his life, August 2, Baby P was left alone in his room all

At 11pm the stepdad told her to watch as he squeezed the boy's fingers really hard. The
toddler could not even find the strength to scream, she said.

He had no strength to sit up and kept falling, looking really ill and sweating.
The stepdad hit him on the head and it appeared as though Baby P couldn't feel it.
The lodger, Jason Owen, said the child looked as if he was dying-but the stepdad
replied that he was fine.

The girl said Baby P's stepdad, a 6ft bodybuilder, ran the filthy house with an iron fist.
He spent all day smoking dope and watching television surrounded by lager cans and junk
food, the source said.

Neighbours complained the TV blared all day and seven children in the house ran wild
like a pack of animals. Baby P's scrounging mum, who cannot be named for legal reasons,
claimed thousands in benefits and slept in most mornings.

Instead of looking after her four kids she frittered away her income support playing
online SPAM-SPAM. She ignored Baby P's constant cries and spent hours in internet chat rooms.
With no hint of shame, she even boasted online one of her favourite things was being a

But in reality screaming Baby P, who was found with more than 50 terrible injuries,
spent up to 23 hours a day caged in his cot, locked in a small, dark room with curtains
shut. Sometimes he wasn't checked at all- left to lie there alone with no toys.

The stepdad, a domineering control-freak, who moved in when Baby P was three months,
banned everyone from going into the dingy room or even changing P's dirty nappy.

His mother even had to ask permission to FEED him. But the witness said: "The mum
ignored all the kids and let them do what they wanted.

" She was scared of her partner though. We all were. Day after day I heard screaming
coming from Baby P's cot. But I didn't dare go in there. His nappy went unchanged for
so long his skin just rotted away. His bottom was red raw, blistered and covered in sores."

All this should have been spotted by social workers from Haringey Council -the same
authority that failed tragic Victoria Climbie in 2000-who called to see the baby SIXTY
times because he was on the "at risk" register.


The witness said the mum lied and lied to them, and family friends, to cover up for her
boyfriend's barbaric abuse. "She explained away pus- filled, infected cuts all over the
baby's face with a string of rubbish that was simply accepted by professionals paid to
look after Baby P," said the teenager. "She's a despicable mother, total scum. She told
them he was clumsy and kept falling over and bumping his head. It was all lies."

Health visitor Laura Swaby watched on one occasion when Baby P sat in the back garden
shovelling fistfuls of dirt into his mouth.

She noted he had a large bruise on his forehead and seemed quiet and withdrawn. But the
injury was explained away, like so many others, with a far-fetched yarn about him falling
from his toy car.

"I couldn't believe these social workers kept falling for it, said the girl." Four days
before he died, and with his face covered in bruises and lesions, Baby P received a final
visit from social worker Maria Ward. The teenage witness said: "He was in such a state his
mum was worried.

"She actually said the social worker would have to be an idiot not to notice there was
something wrong.

"So she melted chocolate in a saucepan and smeared it over his face to cover the injuries.

"Then she laid him in his buggy because he was too limp for the high chair and put a
chocolate biscuit in his hand. He had head lice anyway so she put cream on to cover up
his bleeding cuts.

"The social worker didn't spot a thing. The mum couldn't believe her luck when she just
had a quick look at P in his buggy and said, ‘Hello little fella!' That was it. He was
pushed into the kitchen. Door slammed shut. That was the last time he was seen alive by
anyone outside the house.

"The heartbreaking thing is Baby P smiled at the woman. Sitting in that buggy with his
back broken, eight broken ribs, fingernails missing, toenail missing and a nappy full of
excrement and he still managed a smile.

"If she had just taken a second to look properly, to pick him up and look at him, she'd
have realised there was something gravely wrong.

"All the social worker said before she left the house was, ‘If you're taking him out
later, make sure you wash his face.' It's a disgrace."

Postat av: rebecca

fyfan..jävlahelvetetsjävlaidiothelvetesbrudjävel!!!! vet inte ens vad jag ska skriva, finns inget lämpligt straff för vare sig denna tjej eller mamman och styvpappan, inte ens döden är nåt bra straff gah JAG VILL ATT DE SKA LIDA LIKA MYCKET SOM baby P..

2008-12-02 @ 13:33:00
URL: http://medlem.spray.se/gurkpastej/
Postat av: rebecca

jag hoppas alla får lida så jävla mycket på nåt sätt, alla tre + tjejen, läkaren och socialarbeteren HUR FAN KAN MAN MISSA BRUTEN RYGGRAD OCH 8 BRUTNA REVBEN?? nee gah.. ska inte skriva mer och apsolut inte läsa mer om detta för jag mår bara dåligt då.

2008-12-02 @ 13:36:13
URL: http://medlem.spray.se/gurkpastej/
Postat av: Linda L2K

Fy faaaaaan!!!! Stackars barn!!!!! Helt jävla sanslöst hur människor man bete sig mot nån som inte kan försvara sig själv för fem öre!!!

2008-12-02 @ 18:16:05
Postat av: Helena

Jag kunde inte läsa långt. För mkt att ens kunna ta in..!! Satans äckliga varelser -må de brinna i helvetet!!!

2008-12-03 @ 08:54:31
URL: http://www.nogg.se/hesa
Postat av: sandra

Så fruktansvärt. Man fattar inte att folk kan göra så här. Finns de ingen spärr i huvudet som säger att detta är fel..?? Det finns inget straff som är brutalt nog för dessa människor.

2008-12-03 @ 10:41:36
Postat av: PetramedAochE

Jag tycker inte man kan skylla på tjejen. Hon var/är ett barn, och måste varit livrädd för "styvpappan".

Man måste ju förstå att hon var rädd för att han skulle gå på henne om hon sa något. Då är det värre med mamman, hon är vuxen och borde på något sätt försökt söka hjälp. Trots att även hon måste varit fruktansvärt rädd så borde hon, som vuxen och förälder, försökt att på något sätt fly tillsammans med sina barn. Det finns väl organisationer som kan hjälpa en att fly, även i England.

Ett barn är ett barn, och ska inte behöva hållas ansvariga för vad någon annan, en vuxen, gör.

2008-12-05 @ 19:02:09
URL: http://petramedaoche.blogg.se/
Postat av: donna

skylla o skylla.....

ja,skjut mig, men jag tycker hon är delaktig i misshandeln på ett eller annat sätt med tanke på att hon närvarat och sett men inte sagt något.

Hon har la vetat det bra länge??? Är hon pundare med tro? Eller bara psykiskt sjuk?

Rädd?? för att rädda ett liv?

att sätta alla i finkan funkar inte....guantanamo???

2008-12-05 @ 20:50:01
Postat av: Beckah

jag tycker inte heller att ett barn ska hållas ansvarig för vad en vuxen gjort. jag tycker att hon ska hållas ansvarig för vad HON gjort, dvs hållt käften och tittat på. En jävla fitta är vad hon är och hon förtjänar döden. En 15-åring är inget litet barn som inte vet vad som är rätt och fel. vaddå rädd? ASG det är en förbannat lam ursäkt. Jag anmälde en familj när jag var 12 år för att marnen hade märken och jag hängde hmma hos dem och såg att något var fel. jag tog med mig barnen och gick till soc. i det fallet var det inte på ljusår lika illa ens. en 15-åring är fan inget barn, i sverige är man straffmyndig i den åldern av en anledning. jag var mamma när jag var 15 år. så kom inte och snacka om att man är ett oskyldigt barn. hon har blod på sina händer och hon ska plågsamt brinna i helvetet. jag önskar ehnne ett långt liv av plågsamma minnen innan dess.

2008-12-05 @ 20:53:24
URL: http://beckahbitch.blogg.se/
Postat av: emma

Det är så sorgligt... Jag har tänkt på honom varje dag ända sen jag läste artikeln på Aftonbladet för över 2 veckor sen, tillochmed gråtit vissa kvällar och att sen ha sett mamman o männen på bild, det svider i hjärtat.

Jag vet inte hur vanligt det är att interna på¨fängelset hoppar på varandra, men jag hoppas att någon torterar dom på samma sätt dom tortera Peter. Vila i frid killen <3

2008-12-06 @ 23:44:09
Postat av: Lina

Det finns inga ord.........

2009-01-18 @ 23:10:41

Missa inga nya blogginlägg - prenumerera med Bloglovin!


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